Supporting the vaccine with the mind, body & spirit

The upward energy of Spring is here in the Pacific Northwest. I look around me and signs of the cycles of life are clear. New shoots, blossoming flowers and vivid new growth are all signs that the rhythms of nature are at work, moving us along towards the abundance of the season ahead. This upward energy and shift is a call to come from the dormancy of winter and into the activity of summer. With longer days and more light we will see the fruits of the coming months ahead of us as we transition to summer.

Like many of us, I have been reviewing my last year. This has been a time like no other I have experienced, I am sure we all share in aspects of this. For me, I have been back in school and deepening my studies in Ayurveda as well as some other work I will use to add to my practice which I will talk about later on. This year has pulled many of us to online platforms for community, education, support, medical care and connections that I would have never dreamed possible. Because of this, my studies have benefitted. With students from around the world, I have been studying with dear teachers in India, spending time in the classical texts and repetition of the ancient sounds of Sanskrit. I have found myself still captivated by the depths of Ayurveda and how I might live more authentically and aligned to my own true nature through the tenets of health: diet, sleep, lifestyle and herbs as well as the ever important codes that guide my own moral compass from both within and as part of a community as well. It continues to be an important piece of my overall grounding, inspiration and resilience.

The last few weeks have taken a deeper turn as many parts of India continue to feel the ravaging of the COVID 19 virus. Each week our guiding teacher has been sharing important and useful tools towards practical and informative daily health with prevention in mind. And while all of them are doctors in their communities and dealing with both very ill and continuing stages of the COVID 19 virus, each of them speak of the importance of prevention AND continued measures of health if you would not only happen to contract it but also in prevention.

Today’s class was on measures to take in both preparation and post vaccine that might help to support your overall health and be of the greatest benefit. As I listened to his guidance, each of you, the community I am a part of came to mind. So with that I thought I would share some of Dr. Shakar Prasad’s A.U. advice. As is commonly understood in Ayurveda, each person is very unique and with that each person’s pathway of health highly individual, but there are some things that are certainly useful for most of us:

  1. Welcome the vaccine. If you chose to take it, welcome it. Spend some time imagining the benefits this vaccine will afford you. Fighting it or worrying about it is not going to help and will likely even hurt, but having good intention and clarity about all that is good and THAT is what is entering the body can be very useful. You may want to chant, pray, call in support from the elements, elders or what ever comes to your mind and heart. Setting intention goes really far, especially to the more subtle and energetic aspects of our being.

  2. Prepare for the vaccine. Eat foods that are light to digest and will nourish your body like clear soups, kitchari or congee. Add some dry ginger, cumin and herbs that are supportive to the digestive process. Set aside caffeine, alcohol, sugary prepared drinks, heavy and dense foods. Maintain these measures both before and for a week or so after the vaccine.

  3. After the vaccine(s) with light diet, take adequate rest and find ways for the mind to rest peacefully as well. Avoid too much stimulation or agitating information.

  4. Want the body to respond to the virus. This can mean many things but the example Dr. Shakar used was when someone asked if herbs that are anti-viral/anti-inflammatory would be useful if symptoms arose post vaccine. While each person’s response is HIGHLY unique, the body’s response to the vax is important. It is facing the virus and doing very important coding towards calibration. We want this process to happen.

When in consideration of holistic health and the relationship of the mind, body and spirit, Ayurveda says that they are all intertwined so tending to these different aspects of our being can be a very important way of harmonizing and aligning all parts of us.

AND…if you already had the vaccine and did not necessarily do these things, IT IS OK. Sitting, walking or ways of supporting your mind/body that feel nourishing to you is always a good idea and can go really far towards supporting Vata, the energy that can have tendencies towards creating anxiety and fear. Regardless of when the vaccine entered into your life, there is always room to introduce yourself and have a conversation.

I hope you are taking care and supporting yourself and if you have the room for it, helping to support others. Do let me know how you are doing, community is so important to me

Most sincerely in heart & health,



Danielle Hanna, MA, CAP is not a licensed physician nor is Ayurveda licensed by the state.

In Ayurveda the emphasis is not only placed on disease but also maintaining the balance of the individual’s constitutional nature, so Ayurvedic treatments are never one size fits all, but custom tailored for each individual.

All content is for educational purposes only and should not be considered or replaced without medical advise.

Thank you


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